Oh man! I haven’t sat at my computer for more than a few minutes at a time in two weeks. It was the last week of school, Momma Minis, a wedding, cleaning/moving/organizing the studio, six regular sessions, our first day of summer at the lake, Memorial Day with friends, getting ready for the open house and GAH I now have the worst sore throat ever even though I sucked it up for a family day at Six Flags today. It’s been insane. And whatever this throat thing is I’m sure it’s come because of NO sleep and crazy stress for 2+ weeks. My poor kids didn’t see me at all last week which is why we had a family day today instead of me getting down to business like I should have. So for the next several days my butt isn’t leaving this chair as I finish up sessions for galleries (some a week late now which I never let happen!), share sneak peeks, answer emails (some a week old! Ugh! Sorry!) and pay bills. I don’t even want to tell you how late some of our bills are simply b/c I just kept forgetting to deal with them! My life is a MESS right now and I’m hoping that by Friday it will all be caught up and clean again! HA! We shall see!

SO in an effort to get started here is a quick peek at a sweet family I met up with a couple of weeks ago! They bought a mini session at an auction and they were a true pleasure to work with! We were quick because it was HOT but they were SO sweet and FUNNY together! Sara… I’m only posting three but we got SO many greats ones! Coming soon!

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