Blogging from FLORIDA! Yahoo! I am down here for a few days to capture one of my favorite families ever on the beach where they spend a lot of their summer and it has been magical! Bike riding, pool swimming, shark teeth hunting, boat watching, fishing, etc. We’ve tried to capture all of their favorite parts of Sarasota in the two days I’ve been here and I think we’ve succeeded! I only have Chris’ laptop down here so I haven’t been able to actually SEE the images I took (have just been able to back-up my RAWs to Dropbox so they’re safe and sound) but hopefully I’ve caught some of the magic with my camera!

ANYWAY… I got this sneak peek done right before I left Monday and wanted to make sure to share it today! They were super sweet to work with and even tolerated me changing locations in the middle of shooting!

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AH I love my job!

And FYI… if you want to take me on vacation with YOU for a few days I am up for hire! I have another work-trip to PUERTO RICO in July that I am super excited about! Capturing a family on those beaches and in the rain forest is going to be amazing!