There are a lot of great families out there. Truly. And a lot of good parents. And a ton of great kids. But the Dunn family are at the top of my list for all of those. Their daughter, Alison, is one of the most well-behaved and sweetest little girls you’ve ever met. Jen is a pediatrician and never minds a late night frantic call. Eric is one of the best teachers at Webster Groves High School where both the kids and faculty respect him. They are just all-around great people and I am blessed to call them friends as we go to church together. Chris and Eric also teach together. Anyway, they are so amazing and are now about to welcome their second little girl into the world!




Could she have a cuter basketball belly?




Thanks Dunn family for being flexible on locations last night! We hope you love your photos!


In case you missed it, our site was down for almost two days last week which meant NOTHING could get done as far as gallery uploads, some emails, blogging, etc. It was a nightmare. But at the same time kind of a welcome break since my sister and her family were in town and we had FIVE sessions this weekend. Well, one got rained out but FOUR in three days is still a lot if you ask me! Kim will be back later to blog some more weekend sneak peeks!

And if you sent an email but haven’t heard back, b/c our site was down we might have missed you so try again please!


TODAY: It’s not even 8am and we’ve colored, played Memory, dusted the living room, hung some prints and started laundry. Gray is sleeping in b/c he had a party in his crib last night. Maybe PARTY is too nice of a word to describe the INCESSANT SCREAMING that happened in his crib last night. Oh how we LOVE molars! As soon as the little man wakes up he and Parker are headed to the sitter’s house, Bailey has preschool and my to do list will be checked off with a vengence if I have anything to say about it! A big fat Mnt Dew will help in that quest I’m sure. And maybe a shower. We’ll see if I’m that lucky! An afternoon session, picking up the kids and dinner will round out this day. With maybe a trip to the consignment shop thrown in for good measure. I have a lot of baby stuff I’m getting rid of.

Which you know will mean I’ll end up pregnant again! HA! Just kidding mom!

Enjoy it! It’s FALL and it’s GORGEOUS and it’s TODAY! Live it!

(until I make my own signature) Jodie