This past weekend Chris took his high school team to Alabama for a tournament (they won undefeated!) and I took our kids to Overland Park, KS for Bailey’s soccer tournament! SO thankful my parents came along to allow us an extra bed in the hotel, parenting support and overall moral support for me! I’m basically a single parent during C’s soccer seasons but when you add in getting four of us packed and ready to go out of town I was exhausted before the trip even started! Just super thankful for their help and constant support!

Besides WINNING, which was awesome of course, the BEST part of the weekend was seeing so many cousins! This little guy is Thatcher – C’s cousin’s youngest son.


EVERYONE was smitten with that little cutie!


I definitely took more photos of what was happening off the field than on! HA! Thatcher snoozing away during a game and his big sister Addie was in LOVE with Parker! They were so cute together!

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After two games on Saturday we took our crew down to the West Bottoms which is this AMAZING area of old warehouses turned antique shops! C’s other cousin has a shop there so we all went down!


The gaggle of kids we had with us Saturday!


My Godparents and their grandson came to the Saturday afternoon game which made my mom super sentimental because they used to travel to watch me play lacrosse in college and now they’re driving to watch my kids. They are the BEST Godparents I could have ever asked for! And Gray loved having another boy around!


Cousin Nicole, Addie and Thatcher!


Angie and her girls!


I couldn’t skip a photo of the MacBryde/Allen crew – just missing Lauren!

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These three siblings – the best soccer fans in the world!

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This was the final championship game and this girl totally shoved Bails to the ground! The worst part was the dad from the other team yelling “hit harder next time!” Angie had to restrain me from saying something! Luckily the refs called the foul!

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I love this shot of Emma Rose and her dad!


Bailey with Grandma and PawPaw!


Just after the final game!


Getting their medals!

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I LOVE the “OMG THE SUN” photo! HAHA!


BFFs – we’ve taken this same shot since they were in Kindergarten!

Such a fun weekend – great team – incredible coaches – awesome family! I’m still recovering! HA!