Wow, that was some contest!  Jodie & I are really *so* proud of the work these ladies have produced!  Amazing, work, and ALL of you should be super proud!  This was after just one night together and one month of shooting on their own, so I can only imagine how they are going to grow!

We are now closing the voting on the contest!  Thanks for all the voting!  Tina with her Fresh Boo-Boo!

We’ll announce the judged contest winner later!  🙂

Last Wednesday was our 2nd Fresh Class, and it was another great night!  Two people couldn’t make it at the last minute, so we ended up with a really intimate group of 5 students.  And these ladies were on the ball with lots of questions (and some really yummy food to share too!).  Thanks, ladies, for making the night so fun… hope you are shooting every day and things are still clicking!

st. louis beginning photography class

saint louis photographer class

As we wrap up May’s Fresh Class contest, and the June ladies are working on their entries for next month, we wanted to remind everyone of our July class!  We still have spots open!  July 14th.  We’ll hang out.  And laugh.  And teach you about that fancy camera and how to *really* know how to use it.  And laugh.  Email now to sign up:  [email protected]