My birthday is coming up on October 11th and one of my favorite things to do each year is to spend the day doing random acts of kindness. Taping quarters to vending machines, delivering fun treats to my friends and family, helping my kids put carts away at the grocery store, picking up trash, etc. I love it. And so do my kids. Two years ago I took them out of school for the day and I’m thinking about doing it again this year because it really was such a fun way to spend a birthday!

This year I’ve decided to add something else in to make my day special… I want to give away one coveted fall session to a deserving family!

There are THREE catches…

1. The session must take place at 9am on November 5th

2. They must sign a full model release so that I can share the images online

3. This can not be used for a newborn session… this is for an outdoor family session only.

Email all submissions (you may not nominate yourself… this is a GIFT to give someone else!) to me at [email protected] and I will announce the winner on OCTOBER 11th, my 34th birthday! The submission needs to include WHY your friends or family are worthy of your nomination… these will be kept confidential. I will NOT reply to the submissions unless you are the winner! A fun birthday gift to myself and an amazing Christmas gift for someone you love!
