Thanks to everyone who sent some love yesterday to Pamela, Nolan and little Ray! After that amazing post by Kim I wasn’t sure how to follow it today, but then I realized that posting about our Fresh Gift family is pretty fitting.
If you don’t remember, HERE is the story of Emma, the winner of our Fresh Gift. And if you don’t remember what The Fresh Gift is, basically we gave away a session to one deserving family after lots of people submitted LOTS of deserving families to us. We chose Emma because she’s so little to have dealt with so much and we wanted to celebrate her.
We met up with Emma and her WHOLE ENTIRE family last weekend! It was amazing! I’ve known these guys for years but have never seen them all together and it was awesome! Two parents, three sisters with seven kids between them and three brave husbands! HA! It was great! Crazy but great! We’ll have the photos to show you tomorrow… but following Kim’s post about sweet Elijah I thought it was best to show you a little video today. Of a family that went through a tragedy and came out stronger. And more in love.