Last night I waved the white flag for the first time! Shooting 8 sessions this weekend after 7 sessions the week leading up to it and a newborn yesterday in the studio (even though it was the sleepiest/easiest baby we’ve had in a LONG time) I was SO tired. My neighbor came to the rescue and fed my kids which was awesome. A semi-early bedtime helped too but tonight, after a long day of charity work and a busy soccer-filled evening I am yet again wishing I had a white flag to wave! It’s FALL! I’m busy, SUPER thankful to be busy and just tired. Just really really tired.

I have a couple exciting things coming this week though so I’m trying to get myself up and out of this exhausted state I’m in! One BIG HUGE FUN announcement about a NEW photographer joining the ranks at Fresh Art (CRAZY right? I can’t wait to share!) and Friday is my BIRTHDAY which means I get to make one deserving family really happy! I can’t wait!

BUT before any of that happens…. I have to share one of the most fun family sessions I’ve had so far this fall! These kiddos seriously made my job SO easy! Smile at Miss Jodie? No problem! Laugh with mom and dad? Sure! They were pure bliss to work with! I adore them all!

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See? Cutest family on the block!

I might pop another sneak peek up on the blog tonight so watch out! Another cuter than cute kiddo coming your way soon!