I have a lot of clients book my Anytime and Weekday Mini sessions. I even encourage it because for a growing family it’s a great way to get updated photos of your family. But when a family books a full session I am so excited! With a full session we can take our time, change outfits if you want, go to multiple locations even! AND with more images there are more opportunities for me to give you all the sweet in-between moments that sometimes get cut from a mini. I’ve had more and more full sessions lately with families and I am just in LOVE!

BTW… you can see all of my session options under the “details” page on my new website!

On this rainy and cool Monday I thought this would be a fun session to cheer us all up!



Brady had just turned four and Libby had just turned one so it was a perfect time for this session! She’s not walking yet and I wish you could see all the times she fell down trying to get these two to stand together holding hands! It was hysterical!









Such a FUN session! I loved every minute of it because this family is just amazing to work with! Brady cracks me up and Libby is such a sweetie pie! Thank you, Lori, for trusting me again with your family memories!

Has anyone seen The Killing? That TV show? I’m watching it on Netflix when I edit and it’s so funny to me to watch such a dark show when editing such fun images! I think it keeps me sane! AND do they EVER figure out who killed Rosie? I mean COME ON! I’m halfway through season two and WHO KNOWS who did it? It’s driving me crazy! And as soon as this is over I need another show! Is Boardwalk Empire good enough to keep me glued to my seat editing? What about House of Cards on Netflix? Is that good? I need shows that are GRIPPING so the monotony of editing doesn’t kill me! HA! Thanks for any suggestions!