Last session of the great weekend I had shooting! Last but certainly not least! I’ve been photographing this family for a few years now and every year is more fun! Their baby girl, Edie, was such a bundle of pure toddler this time! It was hysterical! She wanted to do her own thing, go her own way and not always want to do what we were asking… but that is so typical of kiddos her age I just love it! It makes it fun and interesting and I hope in 30 years Nicole and Chris laugh at some of the images we captured!

For three years in a row they’ve hired Katie Mohr to help style them and every year she’s rocked it out! Last year they were totally vintage and we shot on a farm in Bem, MO. This year they went totally monochromatic, modern and we shot downtown! I love how different each of their sessions are!

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They ROCK the serious face shot! Love it!

And this one I had to include because Nicole looked like she came straight from the cast of Sons of Anarchy! It’s one of my favorite shows and I couldn’t get that out of my head so we took a photo that could be from the show!


Isn’t she bad ass? I love it!

AH LaBonte’s… it’s never dull and always one of my favorite sessions of the fall! I love you guys!