Could the weather this week screw up any more sessions? I feel like I’m going to be rescheduling for the rest of my life! SO on the super gloomy day how about a session sneak peek from the gorgeousness that was last Sunday? I felt like a rock star mom that morning! I did a full session in the city and made it to church in time to hear Bailey sing an amazing three-part anthem in the choir! When I burst in the doors and they had just started singing I got teary with relief! Oh the life of the working mom!


Speaking of church, this sweet new momma grew up at our church and I babysat for her once or twice when she was little!


Now she’s all grown up, beautiful, with her new husband at her side and the sweetest baby girl in her arms!


They are living in Madrid so being home and having this time together with her parents was so special!


Could these trees get any prettier?


Or this new family?


This little peanut is totally a Mommy’s girl!


I love this shot!


She conked out right in the middle of the session but she woke up to the sound of my clicking camera so it didn’t last long!


Chris and I lived in Spokane when we had Bailey and while it’s not as far as Madrid it might as well have been if you asked our parents! Grandparents want you next door so they can love on those babies any time they want!


I think all three of them are in heaven!


Grandpa especially!

Thanks guys for letting me capture this sweet time in your life! It was GREAT to see you Emily and meet your new family!