You guys, summer is kicking my tush. Luckily business has picked up after an unusually slow spring so I’ve been shooting a ton which is GREAT! Super great except my kids and Chris are home for the summer and before C’s camps start I love spending time together as much as possible – so my time is being pulled in different directions – needing to work and wanting to play with my family! It’s leading to some really late nights, slow email responses and a lack of sneak peeks on the blog among other things! Bear with me this summer – we are in the parenting honeymoon when our kids are little enough to believe in Santa, not know about sex yet and want to hang out with us doing fun stuff while also big enough to sleep through the night, shower on their own and overall just not be as needy as just a year or so ago. I really and truly love hanging out with my kids right now (for the most part)! Long bike rides, playing at the pool, hiking, exploring new parks, wiffle ball in the front yard, etc. They’re even really good on car trips! To all the parents of babies out there… I SWEAR to you that it gets easier and WAY more fun! Busier but better! 🙂 But because of this honeymoon stage (before the teenage years hit) work is taking just the tiniest backseat. I’m still working hard and trying to grow Fresh Art but I also don’t want to wake up one day while the kids are in college and wish I had spent more time with them you know? I guess I’m doing my best to be super woman and balance it all! Just like all of you too!

In an effort to get caught up here is a quick sneak peek of the sweetest family!

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It was a rainy gloomy day for their shoot but they were total troopers! They couldn’t be cuter could they?

More sneak peeks coming soon!