We got back yesterday from Sanibel Island, Florida and while I obviously have photos of the kids to share the first thing I wanted to play with were some of the sky photos I took. I am NOT what I would consider a good landscape or nature photographer but for some reason I was drawn mostly to that while we were away. I took more photos of the kids with my iPhone than I did my big camera I think. In fact, I rarely pulled out the big camera at all but I did take it to the sunset every night and became obsessed with the setting sun. I told myself I’d wake up for the sunrise one day but if anyone knows me they know mornings just aren’t my thing so that never happened!

Today I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. Laundry, unpacking, editing sessions from a few weeks ago, answering emails, etc. I have lists of things to do and new ideas to implement and changes I want to make to the website but today I’m allowing myself to move slowly. To organize my desk a bit and get lost on Facebook. To listen to podcasts I’ve missed and edit a mixture of personal and professional photos. Work officially starts for me next Wednesday when my kids go back to school so until then I’m going to allow myself a few last slow summer days enjoying my kids being home before the rush of the school year hits me full in the face.

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