This summer is going down in the record books as totally and completely awesome so far! Bike rides, fort building, playground exploring, swimming, the lake, day trips, friends, etc. I feel like everyday the kids are making epic memories – even the days spent at home running around with all the neighborhood kids. SO WONDERFUL! And the best part is that most of what I’ve been looking forward to this summer hasn’t even happened yet! We are out of town 17 days in July! So many fun trips planned – the biggest of which is a week in Sanibel with the Allen family! Can’t wait!

SO July is booked solid but I am already booking fall sessions (especially weekend sunset shoots which are the most coveted of spots on my calendar) and August has a few openings! By the start of August I will be announcing the Back to School Mini Sessions as well as our super secret Christmas Minis for this year! Can’t wait to share!

Here’s was a truly sweet mini session I had a while back – blogging is for sure back logged and I will do my best to catch up! Spending time with my kids has been trumping client sneak peeks which is good for my soul but probably bad for business! AH the balance of a working mom!

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