
As you all know – we love soccer in this house! Our kids are on 4 teams plus Chris coaches (if you don’t know this you must be brand new here! ha!). I joke that I’m a professional soccer watcher but that’s usually the case in the fall and spring on the weekends! Last weekend though was intense! Sunday we had over ELEVEN hours of soccer between 4 games, 1 practice, 1 training and driving to it all!


Gray played first and had an AWESOME last game of the season! We were SO incredibly proud of how he’s improved this year playing up with the second grade team!

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Bailey had a game next but I didn’t take any photos because she still has three games left for that team. After a quick lunch in the car and stopping by a friend’s game we watching Parker’s last game. She was across the field from me the entire time so I didn’t get any good shots of her playing but love this cute shot of her and C!


Then we drove all the way back to Webster so Chris could have his HS practice and my girls took an hour and a half flip-throw training class before heading back out to Bailey’s last game!


She’s been on this team since first grade and we love these girls!


Quinn had an amazing goal!


Such a good group of girls! I can’t believe they’ll all be sixth graders next year!


It was a LONG day but super fun! I am LOVING this time of life when so much of my time is spent cheering on my kids!