Every month we do our Fresh Favorites contest and basically put up one photo from each session that month to let the families vote trying to win our prize. And last year we took all the winners and had one final 2009 Fresh Favorites where all the winners competed against each other.
This year we’re doing it different.
We decided that we’d show you some of our favorite images from the last year. And it was HARD picking just a few because we had 101 sessions this year! WOW! That includes a commercial shoot, a few weddings, tons of families+newborns+seniors, etc. and it doesn’t count the numerous volunteer shooting we did at the local hospitals or all the friends and family we do for reduced prices or free! No wonder I’m tired all the time! So 2010 ended up being a huge year full of amazing opportunities and countless blessings. And although we adore all of our clients, this contest has nothing to do with the people… these are just some of our favorite images! Please don’t get your feelings hurt if I left you out! It’s nothing personal… looking back through the blog these are the images that jumped out at me for one reason or another… the composition, the editing, the pose, what it took to get the photo, etc.
And here’s how the voting will work… same as usual… leave a comment on this post for your favorite image of 2010 and please pick based on your favorite image not just because you know the person! Let’s make this be about art this time.
Wondering what the winner will receive? A $500 gift card to be used between Jan-Aug 2011! AND an 11×14 print of the winning image!
Thirty Three is a nice round number right? HA! Actually, I originally pulled 60 and narrowed it down from there! I’m not putting the client name with these or emailing to let anyone know that they are in the running for a prize worth over $600! Even if five people vote it’s fine… looking back through our blog was a great way to spend the last day of 2010 since the stomach flu hit me HARD yesterday and I’m not doing much else today!
Thank you to all of our clients, blog readers, family and friends who allow us to do what we love. We have some fun changes coming up for 2011 we can’t wait to announce but today we hope you enjoyed looking back at some of our favorite images!
This was the hardest one yet to vote on. But I’m going with #1.
#7 because I can appreciate the effort it took to create. Love it.
#8–the proud poppa!
29 please
#1 is so amazing, I’m not even going to vote for myself. ha!
#9- I still don’t know how you guys got this! Beautiful!
Do I have to pick just one??
#14…I love that this picture really tells a story of the LOVE that Dana & Joe have.
How is it that I can just narrow it down?
oh man…so many i love…but #8 definitely is the favorite!! i love that family!
#7… it’s just so cool! Wish I knew how to pull that off!
1 its the beginning of it all. Captures why you do what you do. You guys are terrific.
Number 7 just looks SO cool!
this was really tough…those are amazing images! But I choose 7!
Oh my goodness, why are you doing this to me!?!?!? I CANNOT PICK! I love every.single.image. Seriously, you have done so well ladies! Thankyou for sharing such a great year with us! 101 sessions is amazing!
Ok, down to business, I think after much thought, it has to be #14.
Number one is not only the most amazing picture I have ever seen, but the parents are also my dear friends. Go #1!!!
OMG this is so hard all of these pics are amazing BUT I have to go with #8…Papa Bear and Big Mac. And not cause I know them but you captured an amazing moment in this picture :). Maybe cause I know (and lived) the back story to all of this with them but WOW it still brings a tear to my eye!
#5, #7, #17….sorry I couldn’t pick just one:)
#31 my sweet baby girl!!! Thanks Jodie and Kim for including her!
LOVE #22 – reminds me of my 3 girls 🙂
I vote #8 – I just love those baby pics!
#8 after reading their story and following you two, they definatley deserve it…I don’t even know them and they deserve it! I hope them lots of happiness in 2011!
Love # 8. Such a happy and proud daddy.
This was so hard! I like them all! But I “LOVE” #23.
Happy New Year!
#11- they are all amazing, but that’s the favorite.
I meant #21…the three girls playing dress up
#8 for sure! The emotion on papa bears face is priceless. I’m probably voting for them because I was there to witness what they have been through and know what amazing parents they are. You have captured such a life altering moment for them so beautifully. Love it!
this couple is totally deserving….I don’t even know them and have followed their story on your blog!!!
#8 — amazing story and amazing photo!
Tied for first place is 1 and 8. Honorable mention goes to 11,14 and 29. But really, what a beautiful, brilliant portfolio for 2010. Good work ladies!
Sooooo Hard, but I will go with 8. My second choice is 29. Beautiful work Jodie and Kim!!
Have to vote fro #28!
oopps I mean for! haha No December Fresh Fav? You guys have been busy this year for sure.
21. I love everything about the shot. Though it was a tough decision.
#8. Tom and his son. Perfection.
I vote for Emerson Meyers great photos it was great to share the special day with you.
Jani Meyers
2010 was a very good year for you guys…and your work is proof of that! Happy New Year to some of the best family/kid photographers I know!
I vote for 28
#28 really stands out.
I think 28 is the clear winner.
It’s ME! Having Avery! Holy cow. Think there were probably some nicer looking one’s of me…but since this is about the art it is certainly one that tells a story and captures a moment!
Thanks for including me.
I love my picture with Wyatt, but I have to go with Tom and Mac at #8!!
love a lot of them, but 28 is my fave!
So many! I love them all! But, #8 just captured that moment. But #26 is so fun. AHHH! And #29 is right there.
Holy cow these are great pictures! How did you cut off at 33? I am going with #8- proud daddy with his sweet son. I do have to say that #6 was a close second for me. I remember this family’s story. Their story is one of such love and strength and the picture illustrates that for me. Good job Jodie and Kim! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for your readers and clients going forward into 2011.
Definitely #28. You’ve captured a special picture of a special love.
WOW what a year you guys have had! Beautiful shots. You know I have to vote for the one with my kids in it. :o) #28!
#4! Best wedding photo ever.
gotta love a FRESH baby! #1!!!
Hard to pick….number 7
love them all.. so hard to pick.. But #9 totally says so much!
you put too many up to pick just one! #1, #14, and #33 for sure. love, love, LOVE these photos. love them.
#16! Yeah Marin!
#30 is beautiful art to me!!
#23 (and no, I’m not biased)
#28 shows the true love of a family
#28 shows the true gifts of what family brings
I like #28 and #30!