I think I’ve mentioned it here before, but in case I haven’t, we bought a house this summer. And since then (about a month ago) we’ve been spending every waking hour over there painting and building and working to make it ours. Our poor kids have been spending most of this month with their grandparents or friends as we’ve had to farm them out to get it all done. Not that they’re suffering! They’re having a great summer, we’re just missing most of it.
Kim had surgery the day after we closed on the house so luckily the month of July hasn’t been too busy for Fresh Art. Of course working is good when your new house is sucking away all your cash but the time for painting has been so so helpful!
The point of this blog post is to tell you guys one simple thing.
Today I worked at the house for 13 hours. I got home at 10pm and the entire way home I was thinking about how excited I am to start editing the images from last nights session. It’s after 11pm now, I’m showered and finally sitting down in front of the computer when really I should be in bed sound asleep because I am beyond exhausted. But here’s the thing.
I love my job.
I love meeting new clients, planning the sessions, choosing the locations, shooting, editing, blogging, etc. I love all parts of this crazy job! After working 13 hours at the house all I want to do is blog and edit! I am just so blessed that no matter what my day looks like I can always have at least a little time doing something I’m passionate about. Yesterday it was driving to Hermann, MO for an incredible family session and tonight it’s getting to edit a few of my favorite shots for the blog. Tomorrow it’s FINALLY answering the 45 emails I have in my inbox (I swear that if you’re waiting on an email from me it’s coming tomorrow!!!) And the BEST part of working at Fresh Art? Kim does the one part of the job I hate! HA! Love you Kim!
Anyway. The last month has been so hard for me. Working non-stop at the new house, trying to be there a little bit for the kids, working when I can at Fresh Art, etc. To say I’m burning the candle at both ends feels like an understatement. I haven’t been this exhausted since my kids were three under three. So thanks to all of you that still pop in to look at our blog. Thanks to our amazing clients for showing me grace during this intense time in my personal life. Thanks to Kim for keeping me sane and keeping me grounded and keeping me laughing.
Maybe I’m high on paint fumes (this is totally a possibility!) or the huge amount of caffeine I’ve had today, but I’m sitting here feeling so happy. So blessed. Like life is really coming together for my little family. We have the house we’ve been saving and praying for, we have three healthy kids, I have an awesome husband who’s been showing me sides of him I’ve never seen before, we have incredible support+help from family and friends and we both work at jobs that we are passionate about. I’m just not sure there’s more I could ever need!
Thanks again to everyone who has shown me such patience this month. I promise that August will be my month to officially catch up!
Congrats on the purchase of your house, that is exciting! I read your post and I don’t know how you possibly manage to accomplish all of the tasks that you do, there’s only so much time in the day. I hope that you find a balance and don’t get too stressed out. Don’t miss out on your kids, they’re only this age once…remember to hug your kiddos! 🙂
No matter how crazed it looks from the ‘outside’, when you’re living your dream and pursuing your passion, there’s boundless energy to tap into! SO happy for you!
Hi Jodi..Taking a breather from something, or actually procrastinating on getting laundry started :o(
I am so happy about the new home, but know it is a lot of work to put your stamp on it.
I am encouraged to see God’s blessings at work in your family, friendships, and Fresh Art Photography. My prayers go out to Kim for a speedy recovery!