Last weekend we got to see two sweet one year old baby girls in the studio! It was a long day of shooting but SO much fun! We love watching our baby plan babies graduate! And of course it’s always fun to work with Kim now since we don’t get to see each other multiple times a week like we used to!

I only have a few minutes today before I have to go get kids and do the homework/dinner/choir/showers/bedtime routine so I’m going to get these posted before the crazy happens! And since I’m TWO WEEKS off the Dew I’ve been going to bed a ton earlier… funny how taking one super unhealthy thing out of your life helps get other things in line! HA! I’m running more times a week, thinking more about what goes in my mouth, haven’t had a fountain soda and am drinking more water… oh and getting more sleep. No body changes yet but it has to happen sooner or later right? I’ll keep you posted! Maybe I won’t be horribly embarrassed this summer in a swimsuit! OR I can keep dreaming! HA!

ANYWAY… here is sweet Addie!

I’m going to mention some of the new things we played with for this session… like those super cute twine flowers Kim made! She swears they’re easy but she’s also crazy talented when it comes to stuff like that so I’m not sure if I should believe her or not!

One of the new things in this shot is that string of doilies… All I did was take felt and paper doilies, cut hearts/circles and hand stitch the felt to the paper. On a few I just stitched straight on the paper. It was a great way to spend a day when I just needed to be away from the computer for a little while!

Do you see that little stinker? She almost nailed me and we laughed so hard when we realized that just before I ducked I actually caught the throw! Total outtake but so funny!

Thanks so much to Justin, Sara and Addie for spending time with us this year! We loved seeing her again!