Oh you guys! I have been SO excited to blog this session simply because if I am able to blog it it means that Amelia is officially Adam and Janel’s daughter! I was actually able to be there the night she was born, waiting in the next room with Janel and Adam when the nurses ran this brand new baby to the warming bed! It was the craziest thing I had ever seen! And I know I could blog her birth photos, and maybe one day I will, but for now I feel like that’s Janel’s story to tell. She’s been waiting so long to share her baby with the world I don’t want to steal her thunder. SO for now I’m going to show you some of the sweet images we got at their in-home lifestyle mini newborn session.

You’ll notice my editing on these images is a bit different than usual. Janel loves all things retro so I worked to give them a bit of that look to them. And also it was raining on the day of their session which meant little to no light. Luckily I’ve known these guys a long time and they know how to embrace the grain! HA! I think it actually adds to the images, fits the feel we were going for a bit and just sort of works with the grain… plus it’s kind of fun to play with new editing techniques you know? Branch out a bit sometimes! Anyway, the other thing is that I haven’t done a lifestyle newborn session in years. YEARS. I was SO nervous and then the light was so bad I was even more nervous… but again, I think forcing ourselves to step outside the box and do things that scare us is so good from time to time. It helps us stretch our creative muscles and learn new things. A huge thank you to Janel and Adam for trusting me as a friend and artist to capture their sweet miracle baby girl!

Their first baby, Catalina, was SO curious about her new little sister!

I love this… X marks the spot!

Welcome to the world Amelia.

You are one of the luckiest baby girls around. So incredibly prayed for and wanted. God does not make mistakes and you were born to have Janel and Adam as your parents. You are in the arms God designed for you to fit into. You are loved and cherished by so many people. Luckiest girl around.

I’d love you guys to go read Janel’s blog… you can follow their whole story there and continue to watch baby Amelia grow! You won’t believe how big she is already at two months old! And SO stinkin’ cute! Oh my gosh!