Happy Monday!

Tomorrow I’m going to talk about my non-resolutions for this year! Get excited! And I have an entire folder of images dating back to August that I’m going to finally share here. Personal images. So let’s just pretend like it’s NOT 2013 and that every other blogger has already announced all the amazing things they’re going to accomplish this year as I take a bit of time to backtrack. Ok? Thanks!

TODAY take a quick peek at one of my oldest friend’s sweet little family! This beautiful baby girl is the best way to start a week! They were in town from California and I’m SO glad we were able to make this session work while they were here. We met up at Union Station and although there are lots of windows the day was GRAY. The kind of heavy gray winter day when sitting by a fire reading is WAY better than pushing your camera’s ISO for a session BUT we embraced the grain and made it work! They were so easy and I wish they lived closer because I would love to kidnap that baby occasionally and let them have a night out!

Dimply baby bottoms might just be my favorite! Look at that!

Look at that sweet baby!

I hope you guys all have a great start to your week!