Last week I had a great weekday mini session with an almost two year old we met when he was just days old! I LOVE love love watching babies grow!

The best part of this session for me was watching him NOT want anything to do with me or my camera to having the BEST time ever! Having the right expectations for your kiddos is so important when they’re little. A two year old might not sit still and smile at the camera. In fact, if he does I might assume there’s something wrong with him! Two year old kids are BUSY and active and are “do it myself” independent! But chasing a two year old around doesn’t make for the most successful session either unless you want lots of shots of the back of their head!

Taking the time to play a little so they know you’re there for FUN can help a lot! Knowing what they love is important too! Once Andrew spotted buses parked across from where we WANTED to shoot we finally gave up and let him head over to see them. Best decision of the day! He was in HEAVEN! AND a driver actually let him get in there and “drive” which just made his whole world! Are his shots traditional? Not really. He’s in and around a bus for a lot of them and then jumping in puddles… but that is so HIM right now which makes it perfect! He was and always is a joy but breaking him out of his moody two year old attitude was so awesome! HA! And it just took a bus to do that!

Thanks for a great morning Anne!