Let’s see.

Chris ended up back in the ER today to get a blood patch b/c he’s had a severe headache since his spinal tap two weeks ago.

We were going to drop the kids off with C’s mom but Parker was coughing and didn’t feel well so to make life easier on Terri (three kids is hard but three with one sick is harder!) we took Parker to my mom’s and the other two to Terri.

And I took C to the ER.

While there we got a call from my mom that Parker’s coughing was worse. She called the doctor and took Parker in for an exam.

She was retracting a bit but a breathing treatment helped some while at the office.

Chris got his blood patch.

Bailey and Gray took naps.

I sat in the ER entering client sales and expenses.

Chris was discharged, to be on bed rest for 12 hours while the patch sets and told to take it easy for one more day (meaning no school again tomorrow).

Parker was doing worse so my mom called the pediatrician again and was told to give her a breathing treatment at home and if there was still no change to take her into the ER.

So I had a husband in need of bed rest, two healthy kids and one sick kid with a possible ER trip in her future. An ER trip I couldn’t do with Bails and Gray at home with Chris who has to lay down and be still.


We left Gray at Terri’s to spend the night.

Picked up Bailey and took her to my mom’s to spend the night.

Dropped off Bails and picked up Parker who had puked from coughing just before we got there.

I got Chris in bed and comfortable, Parker in bed next to him and ran to Walgreens to get her prescriptions.

And while I was driving I was just thinking that it does in fact take a village to raise three children.

And I feel so blessed that our village includes my parents three blocks away and my in-laws three miles away.

We really are so blessed.

Parker and Chris are sleeping in our bed together right now. Gray is sleeping at the Allen’s. Bailey is sleeping at the Kuhn’s.

And I’m painting a photo wall for an event at my church I’m in charge of on Saturday. Because this is my busy season and I have tons of time to chair events. And deal with a sick husband for three weeks. And now a sick child.

And I told Chris that if I make it to Saturday without a breakdown it would be a miracle!