Last Saturday was my LAST non-working weekend day until November. YIKES! I do still have October/November weekday and weekend dates available but they are getting snatched up pretty quick. I’m going to do a big BUSINESS post this week but just know that anything booked after November 11th is FINE but you MAY NOT have your items by Christmas. Nothing after that date is guaranteed.

SO since we had this massive Saturday staring at us C and I knew we wanted to do something fun with the kids. We decided to pretend like it was fall (and not 90 degrees) and head out to Augusta for some apple picking!

We went to Centennial Farms since we’d never been there. It was PERFECT because it’s non-commercial or not built up yet. It’s small and quaint and WAY better in my opinion than any of the bigger more commercial farms around here.

We got there on the very first day of apple picking so we made sure to get there right as it opened! It worked out great because my kids only lasted about 20 minutes picking and by then there were quite a few people arriving.

Parker was SO excited when she found “baby” apples!

This makes me smile because this was the only way Parker smiled for the first 3+ years of her life but I haven’t seen it in a while! HA!

We got several pounds of apples and tonight/tomorrow is APPLE SAUCE making time! I hope the kids are ready to peel apples today after school! The only disappointing part is that the apples are all pretty soft from the drought… so apple sauce works perfectly but eating them isn’t so good.

Then we headed into town to grab lunch and we found a little restaurant (over priced and smoky and NOT good food) that was across from the small town playground. After an unappetizing meal we let the kids go play. Somehow we ended up at the merry-go-round where I pushed the kids for a while. I kept asking if they wanted a break but they begged for more! When Chris walked over I got on and he pushed us. The first time it was great. Then he stopped it and started it going the opposite direction… that’s when it all fell apart for me!

Some of these are fuzzy because Chris was taking them but I still love them!Look at Gray’s face… I think we were all going downhill!

By the end of the second time I was DONE. SO dizzy and super queasy!

So what did I do? Made Chris get on!

I am not nearly as strong as Chris and yet just seconds into the ride he was ill!

So even though he made me go TWICE and he didn’t stop the ride even when I begged, I was nice and stopped pretty quick. I bet he was only on there for 2 minute or so! But he nearly lost his lunch several times!

He sat there for a little while until he was good to just stand up! HA!

The worst part? We had an hour+ drive home and the first 25 minutes is hilly and windy! We pulled over twice when either the kids or Chris thought they were going to puke! I think the worst thing you can do is eat an awful lunch, follow it up with a massive dizzy spell and then drive home! I haven’t been car sick since I was a little kid and I felt horrible the entire way home! We were ALL so miserable it was hysterical!

Not the best way to wrap up an otherwise awesome morning but that is SO us and our misadventures!