This will be a quick post just to make our favorite guy, Ed, super happy! Ever since Audrey’s newborn session, a year ago, he’s stalked the blog for each of her sneak peeks! So before I crash into bed I wanted to get a couple up for him! And for his gorgeous wife, literally the sweetest person you’ll ever meet, Sonja. Because I’m sure she’d love to see them too… she’s just not as stalkerish as Ed! HA!

Like I hinted at, we LOVE and ADORE this family! We feel blessed to have them as clients! We always laugh through the session and have a blast!

So just mere hours after Audrey’s first year mini session… here is your sneak peek!

Audrey was on the move during her session so we had to keep rethinking where+how we would shoot her! Just keeps us on our toes! HA! My favorite part of the session was all the OPEN-MOUTH kisses she kept giving me! I love babies this age!

Thanks Clowers for coming to the studio today! Have fun at her party this week! And Happy almost Birthday Miss Audrey!