The Weiss family had a sweet little addition this week!  Remember this little sweetie??

You can see Brynn’s very first post HERE.  Brynn got to come spend the week with us!  Technically it was Abby babysitting as Brynn’s normal sitter was on vacation, but the whole family was definitely involved!  The kids all really enjoyed having a baby in the house again… and to be honest, it was awfully nice to snuggle a baby to sleep and hold her while she slept.  But it was equally nice knowing she went home every night and not interrupting my sleep.  So, despite my husband and a few of the kids’ wishful thinking that I would be totally bitten by the baby bug, I’m NOT.

So this is a total surprise for Sherri!  I decided to capture those gorgeous eyes of Brynn’s and her sweet smile today!

from this just 5 months ago:

to this:

Thanks for a fun week, Brynnie!  And we’ll take her anytime, Sherri… we Weisses need our baby fixes!