Today Kim and I got to do TWO big+fun things…
1. hang out with Kristie Cromie of L Photographie and
2. play in our new studio!
And both were totally awesome! As was meeting her sweet husband Mike and even sweeter little guy Will!
Kristie is a super talented photog here in St. Louis and it’s always amazing to meet other photographers… especially when you respect their work, have lots in common and can learn so much from each other. It really was the perfect session to break in the studio!
Today was the first sunny day in WEEKS but it was still too chilly to photograph Will outside all naked, which is what we were dying to do, so instead we bundled him up and shot the new family… in front of our front porch… which is funny b/c having to look around your own yard for a new and exciting location was HARD!
Luckily this family wasn’t hard to make look beautiful! Doesn’t Kristie look AH-MAZING for just having a baby 7 days ago?
Being a photographer herself, Kristie looked at our work and requested a few shots… this one with the owls was one she wanted b/c the owls are from his nursery!
Even with LOTS of awake time this little man certainly delivered the goods! He posed like a champ! AND it was AWESOME to have all of our props at hand in the studio! It is seriously going to make photographing newborns even better!
Thanks to the Cromie family for coming over today and sticking around long enough for us to get all the shots we wanted! We had a blast and can’t wait to hang out again soon!
Hi! Love this set of shots! What a cute little peanut 😉
Question – did you texturize the background in photoshop, or that your backdrop? Just love the look. Thanks!
Those are amazing! I am in LOVE with the owl shot, the way he is wrapped up and his little hands sticking out!!!! Beautiful job! I can’t wait to see the rest of my new nephew :)!!
I just love them all – the owls are adorable and the other two are darling – can’t wait to see more – I need more walls in my house……
Hi Kathy! The texture in the background is all PS! 🙂
TOTALLY. IN. LOVE. The shots are AMAZING. And you girls are AMAZING. You were like the “newborn whispers” with my little “pill” that didn’t want to be sleepy. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for taking such wonderful photos. I will cherish them always! I heart Fresh Art : )
GORGEOUS!!! i love the studio and i love your photos of Kristie and her family. hi Kristie!
I’ve looked at these pictures several times already- I can’t get enough. I miss him already!
Wow! You guys have outdone yourselves….these pictures are amazing. So creative and he’s adorable!