Claire came to one of our Fresh Classes and ended up winning our contest for a free session! So in they drove from Jefferson City on a day that was threatening rain but we were able to get their session in! We were so glad because school is starting and we’d already had to cancel once this summer for rain!
Noah and Josh were awesome! SO easy to play with and get smiles from… truly a photographers dream! Luckily the promise of dinner at Chuch E Cheese kept the boys behaving and happy!
The boys thought Kim was HYSTERICAL!
In fact, because I get to blog these I’m totally showing you how they kept sneaking up on her! She might kill me but it was so great how much they loved her!
It looks like we took them to a dump with all that gross trash, but really it was the green we loved! Not so much the trash!
Thanks for coming all the way out Claire! We loved getting to know your boys and hope you survived dinner!
wow, what a fun session! and love the behind the scenes shots.
I LOVE them!!!!!!! Thank you so much. Such a cherished gift you have given me! I appreciate it more than you know.
Love the pictures! They capture the boy’s personality and charm!