I mentioned this on Facebook the other day but I (we… my family) have been feeling INCREDIBLY blessed this season. After our flood people literally came out of the woodwork offering to help, sending prayers and giving us gift cards + cash. It was amazing. And a HUGE pick-me-up during a really hard week! We’re still grappling with the huge projects we have to do to get our (super-tiny-less-than-1000sq ft) house back in order (we are starting to REALLY miss having the basement play room to send the kids during Christmas break!) but we know we have some insurance money coming, lots of offered help and talents of our own to get it all done.

Anyway, if you know me at all then you know I love to give back in any way that I can. Whether it’s volunteering at our church, the kid’s school, doing random acts of kindness with my kids (or alone) or giving back with photography I really have a heart for giving which is why I think it’s hard for me to accept it back. When our friends at church blessed us with hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards I cried all night. It was overwhelming! And even though we did lots of acts of kindness over the holiday I’ve been wanting to do something else that’s a bit bigger. An awesome conversation with an old friend led to the greatest idea ever!


So here you go! If you purchase a spot at the Valentine’s Day Mini Sessions (Jan 3rd and Jan 19th) you get to GIVE a session away to whoever you’d like! Isn’t that fun!?! Here is the mini info…

If you purchase one of those mini sessions you get to GIVE one to a friend! The friend has to have the time either immediately before or after you, they get the full 15 minutes for the session and TWO images on disc with an option for other purchases (just like ALL the minis this year!). Or they can take their two free shots and walk away! It’s a great gift to give a friend or family member!

And do you want a peek at our theme this year? We’re calling them P.S. I LOVE YOU sessions! Here is a sneak peek at the AWESOME backdrop Janel made for me!

Janel is a long time client, incredible art teacher, blogger extraordinaire and super talented crafter! She is one of the most talented people I know and she’s now designing almost all of my sets! I AM SO LUCKY!

For these she took her collection of antique postcards and created the backdrop (they look pink in this shot but they are just old post cards). We will have a mailbox, antique typewriters, valentine’s (blank ones so if your kids can write we can have their own handwriting and if they’re too little we’ll have some made) and a few other goodies to use! Think vintage valentine love notes! I’m asking everyone to dress their kids in soft+neutral clothing as I think major pops of color and/or anything super modern just wouldn’t fit in with the theme very well but honestly it’s up to you!

These sessions are going to be so awesome! My new assistant (soon to be announced here!) will be there too to help make the days run smoothly! I can’t wait!

If you have already paid for your session just shoot me an email and let me know who you’ve gifted your other session to! If you have yet to book please just let me know at the time of booking who will be coming with you! You could even kidnap your best friend’s kids and surprise your friend! Or your sister! How fun!

I know this limits the number of sessions I can book which means I’ll make a bit less money (during my slow season) but I just love the idea of so many getting to give someone such a fun gift! Think of all the excited calls and emails! I think this idea will show up at a few other sessions this year! I just love it!