I love mini maternity sessions! LOVE THEM. And we got SO lucky last weekend with a break in the super cold temps which meant we got to go outside and not freeze! It was actually really beautiful! I mean, the last two days we’ve had our windows open just enjoying the warm breeze! Of course, we’re dropping thirty degrees tonight so that break is OVER but I seriously enjoyed it while it was here!

Anyway, this was the sweetest couple and they are going to be amazing parents… this new baby is going to be so incredibly loved! And when you see Carolyn don’t you think she has the most beautiful skin? Peaches and cream! She’s gorgeous!

This week is a little rough for me so if I’m slow to blog or email or anything just give me a little extra time. Construction started on our basement finally and they have to turn the power off each day so I haven’t gotten anything done except late at night. Gray has strep too so my Mommy hat is on pretty tight right now! It’s one of those weeks where you think, “it’s only Tuesday???” So for this morning, enjoy this sneak peek and we’ll pretend like I’m totally on top of it all!