For the last several years I’ve gotten to photograph Carsyn (and her brother and sister!) on her birthday. We’ve gone to the city and a park and other places but this was by far my favorite session with her! Carsyn, in the past, has been kind of hard to crack. She’s slow to smile and hard for me to make laugh. Last year we tried shooting down by Busch Stadium because she loves baseball but even that didn’t make her all that happy to get her picture taken! So this year we decided to let Carsyn design her own session. Her and her mom talked A LOT about what she wanted to do and settled on a “camping” session based on her current favorite book, My Side of the Mountain. It just happens that was one of my all time favorite books when I was her age too! Amy went all out bringing things that would help make it look like Crasyn had run away to live off the land! And aside from the insane heat, bugs and my allergies going nuts it was so much fun! It was neat to finally see her engaged, happy and really loving her little pretend world! No fake smiles at all! HA!

Then a quick change so mom could get a few shots she wanted (ie: pretty portraits!) and we were done! She had fun, she played, we shot and were done! Super quick and worked perfect for Carsyn!


Thanks Amy+Carsyn! You guys were awesome!