Oh Clara. The SWEETEST baby girl ever!

I took a few days off the computer to celebrate my little Parker Jane as she turned six yesterday! I hosted two parties for her on Friday, had three sessions this weekend and had a ceremony to make my best friend, Angie, her new God Mother yesterday (photos and details of everything coming soon!)! It was such an awesome weekend and the non-computer time was much needed. Of course I’m hitting today with over 50 emails to answer and hundreds of images to edit BUT it was worth it! Sometimes when you own your own business it is literally impossible to step away from work. Most nights I’m checking homework and then an email, stirring a pot and editing an image, reading books and texting a client. My work is a part of my life ALL THE TIME. Which is good and flexible and I love it. But sometimes it’s worth it to get a little behind in order to step away for a minute. So today is all about catching up and that’s ok! It’s gloomy out and the perfect day to be at the computer!

Happy Monday you guys! And to Tanya and Jenifer… thanks for sharing your gorgeous girl with us!