We had the cutest trio in the studio yesterday! We first met these three in the NICU when they participated in our Shoot for Seamus back in April so it was AWESOME to see them all home from the hospital and doing great! It was also quite the challenge because these little guys are 3 months old! And even though they are closer to one month gestation, even at one month that’s much later then we like to photograph newborns… so going in Kim and I were a bit worried!

But MAN we didn’t need to be!

In under three hours these guys were in and out of the studio with some super fun shots along the way! It was quicker than a lot of our single babies!

How sweet are these three? I mean seriously!

And do you LOVE our new prop? The washtub we found behind an old abandoned house in the city and the neighbor gave us permission to take it home! And the fun cards are from the most amazing store in Maplewood called Roots!

Sweet Mya!

And sweet Ella!

And handsome Clayton!

Thanks to Alicia, Alicia’s mom and Bernie for bringing these three out in the POURING down rain yesterday! We had so much fun and they were So easy!

Now for the photogs out there… I saved these two photos (straight out of camera) to show how we get ready for multiples…

First we get the set warm with the heater (and then the heater is on a tall stool off to the side while we shoot) and test the area with the light meter, which is the cord hanging down…

Then we start putting the babies in the tub and since these two were sleeping first we started with them but we took a test shot to see if we liked the positioning…

again, straight out of camera…

We didn’t like either of their head positions so we made a few changes, added in the last baby and shot away! This last image is the final image, not straight out of camera…

Photographing multiples is a lot harder than single babies but if you take your time and think of the photo in layers it’s really fairly simple!

In all of these shots Kim, who was posing, is off to the left just off camera in case any of them decided to start crawling, especially since the tub is pretty high off the ground! Just wanted to add that in case anyone was freaking out that we let those babies alone up there! HA!