The weather today (super windy and threatening rain all day) canceled the senior session I was supposed to have so I thought instead I would get this senior session blogged! Conor was awesome to work with! Super easy and so nice! And of course he knows my husband, Chris, who teaches at Webster, which always scares me because you never know if a kid is going to love or hate a teacher! HA! Luckily Conor never had Chris but knows and likes him! Whew!

This was such a great session! AND it was my mini session! Sometimes those are so great for seniors because you get enough images and it saves you a little money during an expensive time in life! When we have three kids going to college right in a row I can’t even imagine! Anyway, I’d love to work with more seniors so if you’re interested in either a full or mini sessions please let me know! I can’t wait to reschedule the one that I missed today!

I hope you guys all had a great weekend! I got to shoot a wedding Friday, hang with my sister’s family all day Saturday and be HOME today (after church!). It was a really good good weekend!