This is going to age me a whole lot but I used to babysit Creighton! He was just as cute when he was a baby as he is now but MAN has he gotten a lot taller! HA! I had to use a step stool just so he wasn’t towering over me for every shot!

What I love most about this session (aside from getting to hang out with the DeYoung’s who are one of my all time favorite families) is that we did it at his home. Can you get any easier? We shot in the backyard, the front yard and then walked to the train tracks down the street. I’m just loving more and more the idea of capturing your family (or your senior) in your own home or yard. So personal, so real and someday the images will bring back countless memories. I love that!

Thanks for letting me into your world for a little while Creighton… I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you!