Last week I taught Bailey a new-to-her hand clap. I’m sure you’ve all heard it and I think it actually came from Sesame Street, at least that’s where I remember learning it as a kid.

“Down down baby, down by the roller coaster. Sweet sweet baby, momma never let you go. Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop, shimmy shimmy pow! Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop, shimmy shimmy pow! Grandma grandma, sick in bed, called the doctor and the doctor said… let’s get the rhythm of the head, ding dong. Let’s get the rhythm of the head, ding dong….”

Am I the only one that remembers this?

Anyway, there is a part that goes, “Let’s get the rhythm of the HOT DOG…” and you’re supposed to put your hands on your hips and swivel them around in a circle. As I was teaching Bailey I was laughing so hard watching her move her hips! But THEN it got even funnier when we taught Parker! And then our neighbors, Emma and Riley! And actually you can do this in a big circle all clapping hands together but the girls don’t totally get the hand clapping part, they just like all the moves and the song.

SO yesterday when they were singing it OVER and OVER and OVER in our backyard I went out to snap some shots and hands down the ones that make me smile the most are the HOTDOG ones (you have to say it like HOOOOOOOOTDOG)! They just crack me up!

Oh it’s the little things right? HA!

I love having such good friends right across the street!

KELLY… when did Emma get so dang tall? And God? When is Bailey going to GROW? She is the shortest kid in her grade I think!

Happy Monday!

ps… I’m still keeping up with my “everyday” project! I need to blog some recent ones soon!