The same day we photographed Addie we got to see Edie (say that ten times fast!)! Nicole had the most AMAZING outfits ready for her! Even a one year old session can benefit from our awesome stylist Katie Mohr! Did you know you can hire her just to come to your home to pick out the clothes for less cost? Totally worth it! Nicole is completely stylish on her own so her and Katie together… watch out!

Edie was pretty funny… she was NOT interested in what we wanted to do until we shooed mom and dad upstairs to watch tv and had her to ourselves… then she thought we were pretty funny! It’s hard for parents to leave the room I think but they were awesome! SO easy going and were totally happy to let us play with Edie… so all of these shots are surprises! They haven’t seen hardly any of them! I hope you guys love them!

This one makes me laugh so hard! Doesn’t she look like a little Buddha baby? Meditating or something! So funny!

We snuck in this one last set-up before a VERY sleepy Edie gave up and started fussing. So we got mom and dad and went outside to just beg her for a few shots with them… but she had other ideas!

She fell sound asleep in Daddy’s arms!

When she was REALLY asleep we got mom in there and we just adore this sweet shot of a family we truly adore!

Thanks so much to Nicole, Chris and Edie! We can’t wait to see you guys again in the fall!