What in the hell kind of summer viruses are going around? It is officially midnight which means that the super sick little boy laying next to me in bed is the start of day nine of sick kids. And Chris and I are starting to go insane! I will say that today Parker was feeling better and if she had a fever at all, which I don’t think she did, it was low grade. Bailey hit 102 again and her and Grayson have intense sore throats. Gray just woke up unable to talk, crying, drooling and desperately in pain. I HATE seeing him like that. A glass of water, some children’s advil and getting in bed with Mommy has helped enough that he’s asleep again at least. Does anyone else have something like this? Knowing it’s a virus I hate to call the doctor again but I also hate to see them in so much pain. Ugh.

I just ordered a new computer and it’s kind of stressing me out because for the first time in YEARS I’m going back to a desk top. I have a love affair with my MacBook Pro and I’m worried being strapped to my desk will be hard. The upsides are better than being able to blog from bed though I guess (what I’m doing right now). For one, a 24in screen instead of my 17in will change my editing in a good way I think! Having some separation between work and life will be good too. AND for the first time I can actually calibrate my screen! Another huge plus! The funniest part is that I have to upgrade all of my programs because my DARK AGES CS3 won’t work well on the new computer! HA! So soon I will finally be upgraded to CS6 and LR4 or whatever. It is HARD for me to spend money like this and I am TERRIFIED of having to learn my workflow all over again! TERRIFIED! So I am working my butt of this week to get all my current sessions finished just in case my learning curve is slow! Has anyone upgraded with such a huge jump like this before? Is it hard?

Poor Bubba is just snoring next to me. Oh it’s just breaking my heart! I’m going to go cuddle my sick little guy!

Really fast though here are some adorable shots from the girl’s swim meet last week that my niece’s got to come to! They were SO excited to see my kids and vice versa! My parent’s had just driven home with them from WI that day so we were worried going to the pool that night would be too much for them but I’m SO glad they came out! When they walked in my kids FREAKED they were so excited! Then after my girls swam their first heat this is what I caught as we were walking away from the deep pool…

Parker and Sam just love being together!

Oh man, he is SO loud I doubt I’ll get any sleep! Here’s hoping tomorrow is better!