Sep 5, 2016 | Family Photography
Alison is one of my favorite clients – it’s always such a joy to see these guys and I just love catching up with her! When you get to know your clients it’s like seeing an old friend you haven’t seen in a while – all I want to do is chat!...
Aug 31, 2016 | Family Photography
This location is one of my absolute favorites but oh my gosh the ticks! UGH! There was a HUGE one on the quilt that totally freaked me out! I didn’t end up with one on me but I was so nervous driving home! HA! I’m such a wimp! It’s all worth it for...
Aug 12, 2016 | Family Photography
I LOVE Grandparent Mini Sessions! LOVE THEM! I always start with the big group! Then we do photos with each sibling set. But my favorite is when I capture Grandma with each child individually because these are the photos I just know these kids will cherish one day! A...
Jul 21, 2016 | Family Photography
I love meeting new clients and these guys were NO exception! Mom and dad warned me that I’d have about 10 minutes before their kids were over it and it was ok if I couldn’t get any smiles! I was VERY happy to prove them wrong! I mean, look at those smiles!...
Jun 29, 2016 | Family Photography
I love that their moms booked a cousin session! My favorite thing to capture are my kids and my nieces so this was really special for me! Luckily stinky feet and fart jokes worked wonders with these four! HA! Such sweet kids! It’s always such a blast to meet new...
Jun 20, 2016 | Children Photography, Family Photography
When that’s the first photo on your camera card you know it’s going to be a good session! Ryan is simply the cutest and was so much fun to capture! Total and utter joy right there! HA! Look at that balloon his mom brought! It was HUGE! I LOVED that they...