I was so excited when my good friend Donna won my gift certificate at our church trivia night a few months ago because I knew she’d have something fun for me! A few weeks ago I met up with her two sons, Adam and Mike, Adam’s fiance, Kathy and their cousins with their big+sweet dog. And we did the whole session, at Donna’s request, at the railroad tracks down the street from her home while she stayed home, content to be surprised. I love that. I love that she trusts me with her family. I love that it was this semi-random mix of adults. I love that I had one space to work in. I love how hard they all were laughing and how hard they had me laughing… this small group was so full of love! No one LOVES getting their photo taken, or at least a rare few actually love being on the other side of the camera, but these guys never said a word about being uncomfortable or not wanting to do this on a hot night… they were doing it for Donna out of love. I love that the most.

Donna is away this week for our church’s adult mission trip to Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota and I know it’s a tough trip for her. We lost a long-time parishioner earlier this year (someone I’ve known my whole life) and he was Donna’s mission trip buddy so I know she’s missing him. I thought showing her these might make her heart smile today. Love you Donna!

Can you tell how easy my job was? I’ve known Mike and Adam since we were little… actually Mike was a senior when I was a freshman and so he was on my first ever mission trip! I still have so many fun memories of that trip! As soon as the kids are bigger I’m dying to do an adult mission trip up in SD (Rosebud was my first mission trip in high school and I’d love to go back!). Anyway! My kids are in the backyard doing a bike wash so I had better go make sure everyone’s getting along!

Happy weekend!