Last night we used THIS product and it clogged our bathtub. Which caused water to run from some pipe into our basement. Which then caused our only toilet to clog. Which then caused it to overflow. Everywhere. Which then caused me to get raw hands from scrubbing the bathroom top to bottom.

At 8pm I sat down at my computer only to immediately spill my huge cup of iced tea ALL OVER my desk. And then we realized we have squirrels living in our attic.

This morning I got the kids to school, sat down and told myself today HAD to be better then last night because last night was a nightmare! So I cleaned off my desk and got ready for a full day of editing as I have 17 sessions to finish this week so my clients can get their discs to order Christmas cards or place their orders for gifts. When I turned on the tv to watch my FAVORITE night of shows (Sunday!) the DVR had been erased. And then my computer wouldn’t turn on. At all. It was awesome.

Today I literally just kind of dragged myself around. After I drove like a crazy lady to the MAC store to give them my computer (that I bought in August and has already been in for a massive issue!). I stayed in my sweats all day and wrapped Christmas gifts. It should have been relaxing but I have clients waiting and it was just sad and stressful.

As I wrapped I watched my old Oprah DVDs from her 6 DVD set… there was nothing on my DVR! Anyway, Oprah said something that stuck with me all day.

She said something like, “No one receiving the gift had as much fun as I did giving the gift…”

And it made me think that it’s time to give back. It’s been a few years since I did something like this but with Christmas coming it seems incredibly important and perfectly fitting.

I am going to give away five mini sessions for 2013. The value is $450 each and they can happen between Jan 1st and August 1st 2013. The mini session comes with a high-res disc of 5+ images so there is no cost to the person receiving the gift at all.

The winners will be chosen next Monday Dec 3rd and then I will have Christmas wrapped gift cards for the winners.

I would really like these sessions to go to a deserving family or person. And I mean REALLY deserving. Someone that gives back to their community or is suffering or really needs a boost this holiday. This is not a requirement but it would be great if this person or family couldn’t otherwise afford to use Fresh Art.

Please send in your submissions to [email protected] sometime this week. I will  announce the winners online only (I will not be answering the submission emails) and will use the submitter’s name so that the receiver can be surprised!

I had a bunch of emails today for the job posting I mentioned last night and all day I was just hovering between feeling incredibly blessed and totally stressed out. Deciding to do this giveaway helps push me back to feeling just absolutely blessed and it’s a good feeling! Definitely the best way to end my day!

The sessions can be for a family, a senior, grandparents/grandkids, head shots… really anything except studio work or newborns.

I truly hope that the five families/people that receive this gift under the tree this year are excited! Thank for helping make this possible!