I have had this horribly tacky and wonderfully comfortable green chair from my Grandma for YEARS. It’s been to college with me, in my first apartment, traveled to Spokane and then has lived in our attic or garage for the last 6 years. It was time for me to give it up. Chris has been trying to get me to get rid of it for YEARS. Years and years. It’s so so ugly but for some reason I had this massive and super emotional attachment to it! The day I finally agreed (we were rearranging the kid’s playroom and needed the room as it had been down there for a few months) I CRIED so hard as we carried it to the curb! I was laughing the whole time b/c I KNEW it was crazy but man it was hard to put that thing outside! There was a big rip in the side and at the last second I tore a piece of the fabric off to keep! HA! It’s in a tiny frame in our hallway! And it makes me happy!

So the next afternoon when the neighbors asked my kids to try to run a 5K with them I had the perfect place to sit! So we grabbed another chair from the garage (that has since gone to a friend to use!) for Kelly to sit in which gave us the tackiest and most comfortable way ever to watch our kids run around and around the block! HA!

It was one of the first really beautiful days and sitting in comfy chairs in the street was actually a pretty cool way to enjoy an afternoon! Tacky or not!

The kids did such a great job and ran around and around the block so many times! I don’t think they hit a 5K but they at least hit a mile! And Kelly and I got some good chat-time in while they ran which is always fun!

If I had any kind of extra cash I would have LOVED to have it refinished! It is seriously the most comfortable chair. BUT there is no extra income with a house and three kids. And no room at the inn for a chair I’m just hoping to refinish some day. So it went. And the next morning when the trash truck came to get it we happened to be outside leaving for school so we all paused to say good bye to the chair.


The funniest video ever happened!

I don’t take many videos anymore so I have no idea why I ended up taking one but I am SO glad I did! Grandma DID NOT want to go to the dump! HA! You’ll have to watch!

* When you hear me manically laughing it was just me trying not to cry!

* It was HARD to not change my mind! Grandma didn’t want to leave!

* SO funny my lens cap flew out of that chair from taking those photos the afternoon before! Glad I got that back! Thanks Grandma!