Me and the kids went to our cousin Harper’s first birthday party today and since I’m kid-free right now and because my Mother-in-law was sick I wanted to get some shots posted right away so she could see all the fun she missed! AND I thought it would be a fun surprise to Harper’s sweet parents who hosted a really great first birthday party at Longview Farm Park! What was so great was that the rain held off and the playground next to the pavilion they rented was perfect for all the kids to run around! My kids had a BLAST and didn’t want to leave!

The birthday girl! She looked SO adorable and had the best time just toddling around!

We were SO excited to meet another new cousin today too! Little Addison! They came in from KC and it was so fun to get to hold a curly newborn! The girls thought so too!

My favorite first birthday photo ever! I hope Shayne and Dan save this for her wedding! HA!

Harper was not a huge fan of her cake! My kids LOVED the cupcakes though!

Gray is obsessed with swings! He wants HUGE pushes and lots of them!

Terri couldn’t come and neither could Chris so it was awesome to have Bill there to help me with the kids meals, etc. He walked Parker over to watch the horses so I could push Gray on the swing some more and then Aunt Peggy pushed Gray so I could walk to the pond with the girls! What would we do without family?

It was a great party and I’m so glad I got to go after my session was rescheduled today!

ps… doesn’t Gray look like Bubba in that photo? He is such an Allen!