Parker brought home her first official family drawing from Kindergarten today and I was SO excited! When Bailey brought her first one home two years ago we framed it! Well let me tell you that THIS one will be framed for a long long time because it totally cracks me up!

PJ has been working SO hard on her speech. SO hard. We practice “S” and “G” and “K” sounds A LOT. And she’s been doing AWESOME. Even with the summer break! What she still struggles with is anything with an “R” with it so of course her brother’s name is a challenge. We’ve gotten so used to it I don’t even notice it anymore and obviously we all know who she’s talking about so there’s no issue here at home! BUT I guess I need to introduce her teacher to her little brother tomorrow!

Because we love our little GRAYSON and I have no idea who the hell JASON is! HA!

Best Kindergarten work sent home EVER!

And just because this is a Parker post… as she was walking out the door this morning she told me that Pink Sheep was SUPER sick and I just needed to leave her alone so she could rest. Other days she tells me to make sure to play with Pink Sheep so she doesn’t get bored with Parker gone all the time. Everyday it’s certainly something and it just goes to show how much she truly misses her little friend this year! Anyway, it was around lunch time when I noticed how she left Pink Sheep and it made me smile so big!

She’s all tucked in a little plastic container with her blankie and a sippy cup! HA! Parker has such a Momma’s heart! I love that!

Have you noticed that this is the first time I’ve ever posted iPhone pics before? Yeah. I am NOT a good iPhoneographer (or whatever made-up name people use) but the saddest part is that this is the first time I’ve ever saved my phone photos to anywhere other than iPhoto (which I never use)! Now they upload straight to my Dropbox when I plug in my phone! SO get ready for more snap shots to be shared! Aren’t you so excited? HA!