Last year we got to meet Jackson (HERE) and OH MY how he has grown in a year! AND he’s going to be a big brother soon! This fall we’ll get to help welcome his baby brother or sister into the world and we couldn’t be more excited! The best part of our job is to watch our client’s families grow!

Anyway, we spent an EARLY morning with Jackson before the heat destroyed us and it actually was really pleasant! We got to see their AMAZING home and visit their neighbors more rustic land as well. We love it when we get to explore new locations because well, we I get bored really easily so a new challenge is always more fun! Thanks for allowing us to come visit your home Melinda! We can’t wait for this baby to come! If he/she is as beautiful as Jackson you’re in trouble!

Is he not the cutest? I mean seriously!

Thanks Melinda! See you this fall!