You might remember this family from HERE when we posted their super fun maternity session and it was SO great to finally meet little Katelyn! She was SO sleepy and already chubby which we love! There is nothing better than a chubby baby!

To all the photogs out there… Home Goods has some INCREDIBLE blanket throws out right now! Run and get some soft goodness for your newborn sessions! We had so much fun playing with new blankets!

Do those cheeks just kill you? They were the perfect prop to hold up that little head of hers! HA!

And then we got to grab some shots of her big brother Brody with her… always interesting to do siblings together! But he was super sweet with her!

I am in love with this kid’s eyes! He’s going to be a heart breaker someday!

Thanks to Katelyn and her family for coming out last weekend! It was great to see you guys!

Let’s end with my favorite shot of the day!