Ok, I lied. I just finished these images of my friend Katie (totally out of order of other sessions but when you’re friends with the photographer you get to come first!) and I have to share them. I have fifteen minutes until I have to pick up Bails so let’s see how fast I can blog!

Katie and I talked a lot about her maternity session because she lives in San Diego and we had one shot to get what we wanted! I SO wish I could do her birth and newborn session but I’ll take her maternity! I was super nervous going into this because she is more creative than I am and has a great eye for design/art/photography… it’s a lot to live up to! So what do you do when you’re nervous about a session? Invite them to start at your own house! HA! We started with some soft photos in my bedroom (the light was terrible because it got really cloudy so excuse the grain!) and then when Grandma took the kids for me (thanks mom!!) we hit the Metro Link to head into the city! I underestimated how long the train would take so we literally took just a few shots before we had to head back but I still love these. I love the time I got with my old friend too! Katie was my best friend in high school and since then has lived in Africa and now California! She is the most traveled person I know! Somehow she was in town and was able to be at Gray’s birth which was so amazing! Anyway, I adore Katie and am so honored to have been able to do this for her!

I had music on during the session more to help me relax than Katie but my kids kept coming in and dancing! HA! Gray got right up on the bed! Oh so professional!

Baby girl’s name is Amina. Isn’t that gorgeous? Luckily us Allen’s had a few A’s laying around!

No more kids, quick outfit change and we headed out!

I needed this session. Creative freedom and laughter with an old friend. Honest sharing of life stories and realizing that the girls we were at 14 isn’t so far from where we are now.

Katie, I literally can’t find words to tell you how good it was to spend the day with you. It was just what I needed. Thank you friend.