We met up with Julie, Greg and Keira on the morning of April 1st. If I had realized it was April Fools Day and knowing I was going to be with Kim ALL day at two different sessions I would have thought up something great to prank her with! But I forgot so instead we just had an awesome day hanging with an awesome family.

Now get this for family connections… Greg is Jessica’s dad. Julie and Greg are Lucas’ grandparents. Keira, at 3 months old, is Lucas’ aunt! And it was so great to get to be with both Keira for her 3 month session AND Lucas for his newborn session all in the same day! We just went from one house to the other… and then of course snapped some of the two babies together!

Julie and Greg recently adopted Keira and it was so incredible to be able to capture some of their first family moments. We were seriously honored that they trusted us with such an important time in their lives!

I love how JOYFUL Julie is! She is just radiating with love for her sweet girl. I love this image!

And WHO WOULD GUESS we’d get a 3 month old to sleep+pose like a newborn? NOT US! And definitely not something we would normally even try but she was just ZONKED so it worked! Isn’t she gorgeous?

Keira was totally holding out on us with her smiles! But at the VERY end of Lucas’ session Kim managed to get a few! I love how in this photo her eyes are smiling even though she’s not giving us the whole thing! And of course Julie said that the day before she never stopped smiling!

Thanks Greg and Julie and sweet Keira for hanging out with us all day! We loved getting to know you guys and hear your story!