A quick business blog in the midst of me trying to keep this space updated a bit more (something that may seem like a new year’s resolution but it’s more coincidence and renewed interest than resolution!).

First, I am SO excited to announce that I am working with an amazing group of women on a crazy fun project! Laurie Nowling, of Bliss Eleven, and I are going to be shooting together to showcase spring’s hottest looks for seniors! Laurie is a phenomenal photographer and I was thrilled when she agreed to join me on this venture! Shooting with her will be so much fun I can hardly wait! I think one of the best parts of joining forces with her on this is that it demonstrates what can happen when competition is tossed out the window. Technically we are competitors. We shoot a lot of the same stuff and while I’m in Webster and she’s in St. Charles we both have clients from each others areas. So while we are competitors, we are not competing. We don’t feel like we are in competition with one another and instead boost each other up whenever possible. We work on pricing together (our pricing is very similar), brain storm ideas, give feedback, etc. There is a small group of us here in St. Louis that do that for one another and it is so incredibly refreshing! We are actually happy for each other when we hear of an honor or a full schedule or a cool opportunity! SO that’s my favorite part of this whole thing but the other amazing part is who else we get to work with!

We are shooting part of the spring line for BLUSH Boutique in Kirkwood! If you haven’t visited their shop, you should! It’s adorable and the owner, Sarah, is SO talented at what she does! And she’s so young! It’s going to be incredible to watch her style the models and for all of us to see our ideas become a reality! The other person that we’ve brought on that will help with that vision is Mary Price from Finch Vintage Rentals. She is helping with some of the set-ups and saving us a ton of leg work because her collection of vintage goods is SO vast! It’s going to be such a cool collaboration of women-run businesses!

BUT we need your help!

Please spread the word for us!


My first day of Valentine Mini sessions had to be canceled because I was throwing up! Nice, I know. Luckily everyone could reschedule to the morning of the second day which just happens to be this Saturday! I have a pretty full day already but there are still a few slots in the afternoon I’d love to fill! Because it all got crammed into one day I’m going to take away the weekend higher price and make it all the $250 price! AND it’s still buy one give one!

Please email right away if you’d like a slot!


The Fresh Class is FINALLY back! I took several months off from teaching because it’s just impossible to do during the fall season but I’m ready to get back to sharing my camera knowledge! The next two dates are February 16th from 9am-1pm and March 8th from 10am-2pm. Please email if you’d like to come… these fill up faster than anything else I offer and I limit it to 10 seats per class!

I think that’s it for tonight! Hope you had a productive Monday!