I was in the dungeon all day today painting the unfinished side of our basement and after six hours all I have to show for my day is one coat of primer. I am really excited to see the end result of this (forced) basement remodel but MAN does it suck getting there!

So after a long day in the basement I came up, showered, cooked a decent dinner and watched a movie with Chris and the kids. When I finally sat down to get some actual work done my brain was so fried I couldn’t think straight. Running the business, dealing with the basement (workers in our house all week, the power off most days, dust everywhere and all the things I’m personally responsible for to keep this project on track… it’s a lot and all because our toilet broke on the same day our sewer backed up! UGH!), doing the normal mom stuff, etc. is wearing on me I think. I’m just tired. And I know I just have to suck it up for the next few weeks until the house is back to normal but tonight I decided to put work off one more day. I have a shoot tomorrow and after then I need to get back to work.

Tonight I decided to go dig through old photos (again) and found that I had these already set to blog, I just never did. So it’s an easy blog post for me tonight!

One of the last things we had on our summer to do list was a pie fight with our neighbors.  I feel like almost every photo I take around the house has one of them in it too! I love that our lives are so intertwined! They are some of our best friends and we still feel so lucky to have landed across the street from them!

School had technically already started when we finally fit this in but that’s ok, we’re just so glad we fit it in! And I’m SO glad that I had the camera excuse so I got to capture the whole thing instead of be a part of it! HA! I am not a big fan of being sticky!

I hope the photos speak for themselves! They had a BLAST and I think this might become a summer tradition!