I am about a week late in getting a few welcome packets mailed out, I have two orders that need to go in the mail, I have numerous emails to answer and we still have sessions to shoot+edit before Christmas (plus 4 sessions the week after Christmas).

But this week each of my kids has been sick. Like takes all your time, can’t do much else sick.

It started Tuesday night at midnight when I had just laid down for bed and Bailey started throwing up. Which she did 9 times between 12am-5am. Which meant Chris and I didn’t get one wink of sleep. Which meant Wednesday I was useless. How did I ever pull all-nighters in college and still have energy for LIFE the next day? MAN!

Then Thursday Grayson’s eye was oozing green gunk like no ones business and then he ran a fever, started coughing and had a runny nose. Thursday night he was up a LOT which meant another sucktastic night sleep. Friday morning he woke up miserable so I got him in to the doctor who had NO idea what was wrong with him. Literally she’d never seen an eye infection like his before. And neither had the other doctors she brought in to look at him! So they put him on some kind of crazy high powered antibiotic I’ve never heard of (and we’ve had lots of antibiotics!) which has actually cleared it up, thank goodness! If it wasn’t better today we were going to have to have an emergency optometrist apt!

And then last night, around 3am, Parker started throwing up. It’s 8am and I think she might be done, if she’s anything like Bailey who had this bug FAST and VIOLENT! But three nights of little or no sleep in less than a week?



For those of you waiting for a welcome packet… it’s coming. At some point. And if you want the info right away email me at [email protected] and I’ll email it to you. For those waiting for an email I’ll try to catch up on that today. For those waiting for a package… I’ll send C to the post office later! And if you want to come pick up an order, I can leave it out on the porch so you don’t get this germ!

Thanks for your patience… we had a TON of sessions in November and we said a while back on the blog that we don’t promise Christmas delivery if you ordered after November 1st… but we’re trying our best to get as much out as we can! Sick kids derailed those plans a bit.

ALSO we are closing shop from December 22nd to January 4th. Of course we have like 5 sessions in that time! And of course I’ll TRY to answer emails but if I don’t I will catch up on Jan 4th when work resumes. We’ve been SO busy the last few months with December being no exception somehow that we need a little time to celebrate the season and enjoy our families.

And we will be blogging some sneak peeks and personal stuff… if we get around to it! If not the blog will sit quiet for a little while and that’s ok too. Sometimes sick kids, no school, parties+celebrations, church, gift wrapping, cookie baking, movie nights and CHRISTMAS needs to come before blogging! But you know me… I can’t stay away too long!


And if you are a Kirkwood family I have to tell you this news in case you haven’t heard… Magic Market is going OUT OF BUSINESS on the first of the new year!!! GONE! FOREVER! OMG I almost cried when I heard the news! Those sandwiches are my FAVORITE. They were my biggest craving during pregnancy! Anyway, go get a sandwich! Or one every day while you can!